To You who came by. Who judged and doomed. I made a mistake. I apologized.
This does not make me a person who is totally lost and bad.
My strong political views are based on the Christian values, and that is why I am very, very regretful.
Now, take the first stone, you who are without guilt.
Everyday in Grace
My, a Joyful, Reformed Baptist's (mostly) humble thoughts and meditations
on everyday's insignificance compared to ETERNITY…
So teach us to number our days
that we may get a heart of wisdom. -- Psalm 90:12
Monday, May 05, 2014
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
We start again.
This white space, to be filled with letters, words, sentences...
Does it intimidate you sometimes? Like when you have a deadline and nothing to write about. Or when your boss is expecting something profound, and the only thing you want to muse about is the behaviour of your cats ;)
Around this time in 2006 I got saved.
Seven years ago. a tiny drop in the time continuum of eternity. For me, the seven most formative years of my life. Of denying myself and taking up His Cross. Of putting up with loss of friends, with people's quiet disapproval and with tiny signs behind my back.
And the REWARD. Beyond understanding, above anything else. And the answered prayers.
And the crises. Moving to another town, church. Depressions. All that which life brings on its rich plate.
Does it intimidate you sometimes? Like when you have a deadline and nothing to write about. Or when your boss is expecting something profound, and the only thing you want to muse about is the behaviour of your cats ;)
Around this time in 2006 I got saved.
Seven years ago. a tiny drop in the time continuum of eternity. For me, the seven most formative years of my life. Of denying myself and taking up His Cross. Of putting up with loss of friends, with people's quiet disapproval and with tiny signs behind my back.
And the REWARD. Beyond understanding, above anything else. And the answered prayers.
And the crises. Moving to another town, church. Depressions. All that which life brings on its rich plate.
Friday, June 07, 2013
Sveriges Nationaldag - en viktig angelägenhet
En underbar text, tyvärr publicerad i en tabloid med dåligt rykte. Därför kopierar jag detta så troget som möjligt. Originalartikel här:

Thursday, October 04, 2012
Praying for the Sproul family
When Disability Hits Home
Chuck Colson and R.C. Sproul
Start watching at 14 minutes mark. And keep in mind that this loving mother died last December, in cancer, and Shannon died this week, leaving them all in grief.
Start watching at 14 minutes mark. And keep in mind that this loving mother died last December, in cancer, and Shannon died this week, leaving them all in grief.
Saturday, September 08, 2012
The aftermath of a move
This whole year up to this point has been one crazy roller coaster. No wonder my blog showed no sign of life, being squashed under the pile of duties, obligations and stress. Somebody said that a move is more stressful than a death in the family, and I am almost prone to agreeing with that one.
We moved. Slowly, painstakingly, sometimes against our own lazy selves, we made the decision and put it into action. Had it only been a moving of stuff, enough in itself to drive a family crazy, we would have thought it fun and exciting. Do not misunderstand me: the whole physical process started in March and is ALMOST over. Which of course does not mean that all rooms in the present house are perfectly furnished and ordered :)
But the most tearing part of a move is THE CHANGE. You know what you have, and you expect to have it better in the new place, but the very thought of change is oh so terrifying!
I had to let go of people and places. I had to let go of my nice job. But most of all, I had to let go of my stubborn idea of "doing it all by myself". It worked to a certain point. And then it stopped working, because I needed to learn who is in control.
Having been a control freak all my life, letting go and letting God was not easy. Yet, looking at it now, in due perspective, I regret not understanding it earlier. Because, you see, that is the only way.
The situation now? A happy, harmonious (normal ;) ) family, kids enjoying their new school, both parents enjoying their new full-time employments. That's about the material status.
The more important status is the spiritual one, with the glorious realisation that I can cast all my burdens onto Him, that my faith needed testing and the fire of purification, and that I am nothing without Him.
To God be the Glory forever and ever.
We moved. Slowly, painstakingly, sometimes against our own lazy selves, we made the decision and put it into action. Had it only been a moving of stuff, enough in itself to drive a family crazy, we would have thought it fun and exciting. Do not misunderstand me: the whole physical process started in March and is ALMOST over. Which of course does not mean that all rooms in the present house are perfectly furnished and ordered :)
But the most tearing part of a move is THE CHANGE. You know what you have, and you expect to have it better in the new place, but the very thought of change is oh so terrifying!
I had to let go of people and places. I had to let go of my nice job. But most of all, I had to let go of my stubborn idea of "doing it all by myself". It worked to a certain point. And then it stopped working, because I needed to learn who is in control.
Having been a control freak all my life, letting go and letting God was not easy. Yet, looking at it now, in due perspective, I regret not understanding it earlier. Because, you see, that is the only way.
The situation now? A happy, harmonious (normal ;) ) family, kids enjoying their new school, both parents enjoying their new full-time employments. That's about the material status.
The more important status is the spiritual one, with the glorious realisation that I can cast all my burdens onto Him, that my faith needed testing and the fire of purification, and that I am nothing without Him.
To God be the Glory forever and ever.
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