1 May this new year our ears no more be filled
With the account of fellow mortals killed;
Forbid it mighty God, and peace restore;
May such convulsions shake the earth no more.
2 Hasten the happy times when war shall cease,
And every nation rest in perfect peace;
When superstition shall be done away,
And Christ shall reign with universal sway;
3 When the whole earth the Gospel will receive,
And distant nations shall on Christ believe;
When every kingdom shall learn war no more,
And peace extend itself from shore to shore.
Thomas Marsom 1743-1815
[New Year's Day 1794]
from www.beswick.info
So what was this passing year like? In my life it was like a tornado, swooping everything on its way, sweeping away the old dust completely, leaving me amazed at the sight of things, making way for the new being.I had read some psychological stuff about women experiencing major transformations when they are just about my age. It was some 5 years ago, and I was waiting patiently for this prophecy to transpire in my life. Now, I do not know whether I should trust psychology (after what did transpire), but one thing is sure: I am a changed person, forever.
This journey started in the spring, when I was looking for some (then) important answers, continued through the summer, when, to put it simply (this is not simple by any means, but anyway), God saved me, and has continued up until now, with a strong conviction of being with me for the rest of my life.
Outside my private room the world has moved forward, some governments fell, some arose, several famous and infamous people died, many more unknown people died en masse, without anybody taking notice (apart from media reporting on some riots, some bombings, some accidents...)
The job has been good, for the most part. Nothing to complain about.
Family is my strength, my husband is my support, my children mean the world to me. We are truly blessed with what we have.
I cannot wait to see what the next year is going to be like!
Happy New Year to You, too!
Hymn For New Year
1. Great God, we sing that mighty hand
By which supported still we stand;
The opening year thy mercy shows;
That mercy crowns it till it close.
2. By day, by night, at home, abroad,
Still are we guarded by our God;
By his incessant bounty fed,
By his unerring counsel led.
3. With grateful hearts the past we own;
The future, all to us unknown,
We to thy guardian care commit,
And peaceful leave before thy feet.
4. In scenes exalted or depressed,
Thou art our Joy, and thou our Rest;
Thy goodness all our hopes shall raise,
Adored through all our changing days.
5. When death shall interrupt these songs,
And seal in silence mortal tongues,
Our Helper God, in whom we trust,
Shall keep our souls and guard our dust.
Words: English Philip Doddridge, 1755
from www.hymnsandcarolsofchristmas.com