Thursday, May 03, 2007

Global Warming?

HT Even So...


Even So... said...


(catch the irony of that, eh, yuo know, cool)

Yeah, I'm cool...


ann said...

You know, I pointed my colleagues to this film, because we are about to launch a "Global Warming"-project for our students. The response was unified: "we have studied it, and we do not buy into the oil-financed American antiGW propaganda". End of discussion.
I asked: have you seen the film? Of course they didn't.
Talk about objectivity...

Anonymous said...

There you go again...using facts in a world that does not want truth :)

What is amazing is how one opinion can be spread as fact.

Having been born and grew up in London it was interesting to see the houses of Parliment underwater. Climate change can't be all bad.