Monday, September 24, 2007

His Will, not mine

So I did not go to Poland on Friday. The trip that was planned for two years, the ticket that was bought in May. And I did not go. I really was meaning to go - I went to the airport distant from where I live some 300 km, I checked in my suitcase - and then they announced the terrible delay. 8 hours of waiting, and that resulting in my spending the entire night at two airports and one train station. An impossibility before the whole day of festivities and the whole night of a ball. This was supposed to be once in a lifetime experience - a 130-years anniversary of my high school, a huge reunion of those still living and caring to meet...
God did not have it in His plans for me.
And I accept it with awe and thankfullness.
To His Glory.


Anonymous said...

You have a great attitude, even though this must have hurt. Maybe you will never know, this side of heaven why?

MilhamaH said...

Yes, that is a bummer. It could be worse...
Which high school and where were going?

ann said...

It was a high school in Bydgoszcz, ILO, in the 70s.