Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A Great Testimony

Dear Dr. White,
I *had* been struggling with pop-Christianity (as you correctly called it), and
Calvinism for quite a while. If you wouldn't mind taking the time to read this email,
I'd like to share my testimony with you. Since you're a Calvinist, I think you might be
interested in my testimony(though I'm sure you've heard many testimonies similar
to my own), and how one of your videos played a key part in where I am today.
I'm a former-atheist who found Christ, somehow, despite my protest and fear of
being a hypocrite or having been wrong, but I could no longer deny the real God,
our Creator, our Lord Jesus Christ. Not with a straight face, anyway.
I went through 8 years at a Baptist Christian school and graduated as an
unbeliever and proud of it! (you'd be surprised over how little I learned about the
Bible despite having Bible class every day and Chapel every Tuesday for 8 years) I
then spent nearly 10 years afterwards as a militant atheist, who was very
obnoxious when it came to the discussion of religion, and even more obnoxious
towards Christianity. I was in agreement with Richard Dawkins and Sam Harris and
others who believe it's perfectly justified to be intolerant of religion, the religious,
and especially Christians.

Continue reading...

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