A shocking piece of news struck Poland this past Wednesday:
"Former Polish Minister Commits Suicide
Published: April 25, 2007
Filed at 10:30 a.m. ET
WARSAW, Poland (AP) -- A former Polish government minister committed suicide in her bathroom Wednesday morning as police searched her house in connection with corruption allegations, authorities said.
Officers from Poland's Internal Security Agency staged an early-morning search of Barbara Blida's home in the southern town of Siemianowice, agency spokesman Magdalena Stanczyk said.
Blida, a lawmaker for the post-communist Democratic Left Alliance from 1989-2005 and construction minister from 1993-1996, ''was suspected of taking and receiving material gains,'' Stanczyk said.
Blida, 57, asked agents if she could use the toilet while they conducted their search.
The officers agreed, and a female agent accompanied Blida to the bathroom, the agency said later Wednesday in a statement.
Once in the bathroom, ''Blida suddenly and unexpectedly pulled a loaded gun from an unestablished location and shot herself in the chest,'' the agency said.
Prime Minister Jaroslaw Kaczynski and his conservative Law and Justice party are making a broad push to root out corruption and shady ties between business and politics that they say thrived under previous governments led by ex-communists.
Wednesday's raid was part of an investigation into corruption allegations against 14 people, including Blida, said Tomasz Tadla, a spokesman for prosecutors in Katowice.
Tadla said police had planned to arrest Blida and 13 others in the region early Wednesday, and press charges including corruption, money laundering and possession of false documents.
Prosecutors were on the scene to determine whether Internal Security Agency officers followed the proper procedures.
Kaczynski called for an investigation.
''Why she couldn't be stopped before this tragic, desperate action still needs to be clarified,'' he said."
How much is your life worth? And how much guilt feelings you really harbour in yourself?
I would have asked her these questions, if I could...
What is a condemnation from men compared to the ultimate condemnation from God?
By committing this horrible act she admitted to being guilty, and hence her condemnation in human eyes is certain. But by this suicide she also sentenced herself to an eternal condemnation, to an existence in hell, to zero hope.
What is the real face of human nature? How incredibly corrupt and sinful we are if we are able to take our own life? Some might try to explain it by mental illness, or momentary insanity, but whatever explanation we seek, we still end up looking the evil in the eye.
I do not understand suicide. It makes absolutely no sense, especially if you are a nonbeliever and this life is the only one you have. As long as people are rejecting Christ, they will be contradicting themselves, even unto this degree of tragedy and nonsense. Not relying on God, but on their own strength, shall lead them towards self destruction, either spiritually, or physically, but in the end, to both of them.
1 comment:
Amen. What is so sad is that this person never recognised where the real problem was. It was not with the court system of Poland but her relationship to Christ. It seems that she choose to "end it all" reather than go to court. If she had expereienced real forgiveness, at the cross the court system would have seemed minor
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