Languages spoken in the world:
Languages needing Bible translation work to begin:
Population of people groups waiting for work to begin:
196 million
Languages with some or all of the Bible:
Language-based development and translation programs in progress (still needing varying degrees of help) in languages without adequate Scripture:
Population of people groups with projects in progress:
1000 million+
I would love to see one of my kids go into bible translation. They are all so literate and good with words.
If I could do it again, I would major in linguistics in university instead of history.
Supposedly, there are 1.2 billion people in China, and only 3-4% of them are Christians. India's Christians make up only 2-3% of the population. If God is sovereign and saves who He will, why do you suppose so few in these countries have the right beliefs?
The only conclusion I can reach is that He dislikes the Chinese and the Indians. Pity.
Here we go again, my favorite anonymous commenting with hate...
Your conclusion is wrong. Turn the situation over and think this way: now is the time for evangelizing those nations, and only God knows when the job is done, Amen?
My conclusion about you is that God must dislike you, because He does not want to grant you understanding...
Do not post anonymously. Every next such comment is going to be deleted, no matter what it says.
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