Anybody still here? I admire you, my dear reader, because I would run at this point :)
So what is there ??? still keeping me going? Well, certainly not my mirror, with all that gravity proof I can see there daily, and certainly not my scales (I consider it an instrument of mental torture for women past a certain age). My husband is all right, in a casual sort of way ;-), I have no pets making me get up in the middle of the night and cleaning the house after them (sorry, Kim, I just couldn't resist this one), there are no MAJOR financial problems, etc, etc, etc. Life is generally good.
Look! I am turning to the positive view now! How did this happened?
Even the blog statistics have not dropped remarkably, and the troll has left, as well. Good.
So why am I writing this post?
I was thinking - we do not really appreciate what we have, until we lose it. Seriously - in this part of the world - we have everything. The food is in the fridge, houses are warm, we can sit and blog on fine computers, so that implies that we have electricity, the cost of getting dental service may be high, but we can still afford it, and almost every aspect of education is open for those who will pursue it.
And then look at those people from the TV news. Poor, ill, skinny, needy, under terror and oppression, not knowing their next day's fate, frightened for their children...
As part of my job I organize trips to Poland for my students, so that they may learn first hand what life can look like and translate the experience into their every day in Sweden. It is always an eye-opening experience. Not only the experience of seeing the less fortunate people, but mostly of learning that those less fortunate have so much to offer to us! It is amazing, the hospitality and generosity of people who do not have much, how deeply the need for sharing is rooted in their hearts. It is a humbling experience, and my students are better people after those trips.

This gets me thinking of Christians and Gospel. Of Christ and Apostles. Of witnessing and sharing the Word. Sometimes we think we do not have much to come with, and yet we have it all, because what we know is the key to the eternal life with the King of Kings. Remember? He was born poor, and he loved the poor in spirit. He humbled Himself, and he loved the humble. We do not need fancy churches and pretty possessions to proclaim His Kingdom. What we have is more than enough, because He lives in us.
Even the poorest Christian is richer than the richest unbeliever, and able of sharing his riches with everybody.
Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not highminded; nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God, who giveth us richly all things to enjoy.
(1Ti 6:17)
Your trips to Poland must be like our US trips to Mexico...sobering. Our perspective of wealth and theirs is so different.
Sorry to hear your boys are sick! My dh and I are fighting head colds...thankfully they're seeming to be short lived, here's hoping!
Well, it is mixed, really. And remember, this is my home country, so my vision is biased, naturally.
But it is indeed refreshing to be confronted with generosity of the poor. And humbling.
Thanks for comfort about the children. It is better now.
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