Friday, February 23, 2007

Culture and Christians

No, not nominal Christians, who could care less (in fact, wrong wording here; we must care for all souls; I definitely have to purify my thinking).
The group I have on my mind while pondering on the topic are those "Bible saturated" ones, as John Piper calls them/us.
By the way, I am so thrilled by being able to count myself one of those... Not long ago I would consider it an insult, but God has a peculiar sense of humor.
What is culture? Everything around us that differentiates us from animals, generally speaking. The social norms and regulations, language, art and science, ever changing way of living, trends, fashion, music, education. It is a long list, and by no means finished.
Do we stand by and watch it, or do we influence it somehow? Even by standing by, since every reaction tells a story, even the lack of one? Because if we do not, then there is something terribly wrong with us. Incapacity of making a difference, finally resulting in apathy and depression, or in giving up on a fellow human being.
I am just rambling here, but these are pretty heavy questions. I will have to ask myself those questions.

  • What do I do to make Christianity stand out and claim its place in the world?
  • Do I endorse every new whim of so called artists just because I am afraid of ending up "strange"?
  • When something goes against the will of God - do I express the biblical view on the matter?
  • Do I hide behind the crowd, clothed in my complacency and fear?
  • How much real face-to-face witnessing do I really do?
  • Does it happen that I am ashamed of being "different"?
  • Am I able to explain to my children, and to persuade them, why certain things and behaviors are unacceptable, although their friends may not agree?
  • Whom do I fear most: men or God?
No, there will be no answers here. But ask yourselves you must. Probably often. How is this sanctification going? Asleep a bit? WAKE IT UP.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Intersting how the Spirit moves...
At about the same time I have found out about Paul Washer and listen to the very same sermon that you have included link to...
He speaks the truth and this is why most churches are cold, stiff places with a lot of superficial pseudorelations. Why? because most people present ARE NOT SAVED and unable to relate to others in Christ because they ARE NOT IN HIM...
