Wednesday, August 29, 2007

1 year

I am too tired today to throw in a long post, but I have noticed that my first one was written exactly one year ago, hence I felt the urge to commemorate this fact :)

Another thought: as much as I like this blog-thingy, I must cut down on posting this autumn, due to various work-related reasons. So my "everyday" will probably become "every-other-day" or even less, but probably then the posts will be more personal and less "from the sources".

Thank you my visitors for this past year and stay with me as I am prayerfully coping with work, studies and my family duties.

All for the Glory of God.


Anonymous said...

Wow, has it really been a year!

It's been great to have you around Ann, and my have we all grown.

Hopefully your life away will be full and a blessed one.

Jared said...

Ann! It is so great to know you even a little and converse with you online in #pros. Congrats on a year. May God continue to bless you.