Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Children 'bad for planet'

There is something "fishy" about this Global Warming Hysteria, for sure. The other day I posted a video about it, and today I found this strange article:

Children 'bad for planet'.
It starts by stating this:

HAVING large families should be frowned upon as an environmental misdemeanour in the same way as frequent long-haul flights, driving a big car and failing to reuse plastic bags, says a report to be published today by a green think tank.

Now wait a minute! What does it really say? And who says it?

Optimum Population Trust. This is how they describe themselves:

OPT research covers population in relation to climate change, energy, resources, biodiversity, development impacts, ageing and employment and other environmental and economic issues. It campaigns for stabilisation and gradual population decrease globally and in the UK.

Do you start seeing the pattern here? Like ProChoice puzzled together with Global Warming puzzled together with Hate Crimes?
No wonder the supporters of abortions are so loud - they get good support of the environment crowd, and the underlying results of gay movement are pointing towards the decrease of population, right? Who needs people to stop reproducing themselves? Is it so hard to figure out?
Coming back to basics, to Eden, to Enemy... And a good lie is a kind and humanistic lie at that - you will harm the planet if you have more children! They breathe, you know, and it is dangerous!
We are not far from eugenics, folks. We are not far from total mind and body control in the name of the planet.
God have mercy on us. MARANATHA!


approvedworkman said...


Thanks for posting this.

The real goal of Greenpeace, Peta, the environmentalists, Al Gore, the gay and lesbian agneda, etc. is the same as the pro-aborion and the pro-euthansia crowd.Zero-population growth. The antithesis of "be fruitful and multiply"

It is always about CONTROL!

Anonymous said...

I'm doing my part to defy Satan, by bringing many children into the world!

My sister in law thinks along these lines. So does my grandfather in law. It is an interesting witnessing field to say the least!

Come on baby number three!

Mrs. Meg Logan

Anonymous said...

I just read an article that backs this up, can't remember where, sheesh, they were complaining that big families release too much carbon dioxide.

They complain too much. Maybe they should hang out with a large family and borrow some joy?