Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Simple or twisted (1) ?

When I talk to charismatics, I feel overwhelmed by their eloquence and engagement, as well as by their lack of biblical foundation.
"Have you had a Jesus-experience?" - is a very common question I hear in various configurations. When I dare say that I am lacking in this respect, I can immediately see disappointment in their eyes and mistrust in my claims of being new-born in Christ. They even pity me! According to them, knowledge about God is not their superior goal. Experiences are. Healing of body is. Fuzzy feeling is. Speaking in tongues is another madness that gets put into its own altar. Opposite to what sound understanding of Scripture teaches... Their spirituality is the worship of their own imagination about God, not the biblical truth of God as presented clearly and explicitly. It is easier, of course, and allows for free interpretation of whatever comes to one's mind. Hence so many false teachings and so much flirting with Rome. This is what they have in common - visions and apparitions.
God is a good God, not a Judge ???? Excuse me, but God loves His Own, and hates sin. Have they missed that?

People trust in visions
they claim to have seen
others build their faith
upon their feelings
the prophetic word
made more sure
is righteous, true and clean
without it our experience
means not a thing

Every such time this song comes to my mind. The words are not condemning, but pointing to the right direction, and from the wrong direction of human wishful thinking. Yet when presented to a charismatic, they are taken as a whip.
Today I had a very memorable "experience". No, nothing spiritual. Just searching for a decent reformed blog in Swedish. Maybe I did not look long enough. But I found none. Not a single one among hundreds of blogs claiming to deal with religious matters. The only worthwhile blogs were those charismatic ones, at least at a first glance. But the deeper I dug into them, the shallower their message became. In fact, it was no different than Wicca or Hinduism.
Popular phrases were "God spoke to me while I was looking over the horizon", or "God touched me and I felt warm inside". And the likes.
Does God speak to us? Of course He does, through His Holy Word! Does the Holy Spirit works in us? No doubt about it. Jesus said:
But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.
(Joh 14:26)

But look carefully what this Helper
shall do! Teach and remind!
John MacArthur has a lot to say about this dangerous movement.
I might be writing something stupid here, but sometimes when I listen to charismatics I get the impression that the Holy Ghost is the only true God for them, and that Jesus is being reduced to some kind of superior healer. It is all about healing in that camp. Watching their programs makes me feel nausea, to the point that I am about to cry for healing myself :)
This is a popular, broad way to ??? tickling ears? Have you seen those charismatic pastors performing miracles? And performing themselves on the stage? They are in the centre of attention. Not the Bible, not the Word, not the Gospel. They and their gifts...
Tell me, do you know someone who lost their life because of this manipulation? Who wanted to believe so much that he stopped his medication after the healing act of a pastor? I have heard several such stories, sadly enough. Was it then a real charisma?
My other impression is that those people simply do not study the Word, and therefore are desperate to keep their flock some other way. Not all of them, but many, unfortunately. And people buy it. There is such hunger for spirituality that anything goes. Experiences are spicing up their lives. No, I am not making this up. I have it in writing, from one of them. The proof of them being right are those millions speaking in tongues and EXPERIENCING visions. This is bad, very bad. This is not form of sound words. This is heresy!
This makes me believe in God's Grace even more. Without His drawing people to the Son a man is unable to find the way to the Truth.
God, in your Power and Mercy, give Your abundant Grace to those whom You have Mercy upon, and lead them to You, so that they may know You and love You forever in the security of eternal life in You. This is my prayer for today.

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