Thursday, March 08, 2007

One for the women

This day is the most hypocritical day of the whole year. Out of many reasons, and in many aspects. It is true that, historically speaking, women have not been equally treated by the other half of humanity. Used and abused, put three steps below and behind men, regarded as less important. No doubt about it, and it still is true for most countries in the world. Just look at the latest news about this woman, and you will be ready to fight for her rights.
The modern western culture prides itself with the fact that women are treated much better than this mentioned example.


I have some serious doubts, especially when I think about the exploitation of a female body in every possible category of advertisement, when I think about the necessity of leaving my children at the daycare - because one income is far below our basic needs...
As far as I see it, this year for the first time as a Christian woman, we are not treated justly by the world. The women fighting for their rights against the establishments end up still more miserable than before the fight, because feminism is not a solution, either.
What kind of a solution is fighting all men and ending up alone? Antagonizing everybody during the process? Making up ridiculous claims that only backfire at you? They want freedom, but they do not want to pay for it. I know - I belonged to the movement wholeheartedly.
Not anymore.
They want equal rights in every way, forgetting that equal does not mean just, and ending up depressed and frustrated.

What is the proper way? To acknowledge the Creator's plan for the genders, of course, however old-fashioned that may seem to some. The true freedom and true happiness is in God's Word and God's glory. In marriage as it is designed to be, where submission does not mean blind obedience, but love and mutual fulfillment.

Happy Family Day, to all You Sisters in Christ!

Especially my wishes go to:



Brian said...

Can I say Amen to that? I think I can. Amen.

Again I love your insights on this topic.

ann said...

It is very interesting how radical Christianity really is. I have always been radical in my views, but often for the wrong cause. This is different, and it really feels good.

Anonymous said...

Love your site here! God bless you!

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Ann! I didn't know it was a holiday...but Happy Family Day to you too!

That poor woman! Just shows how evil Islam is. I hope she escapes the punishment, and also the religion!

Oh my, I just noticed that you're featuring my blog in your sidebar!! You sweetheart! Thank you!

ann said...

Mary, it was a shortcut. 8th of March is International Women's Day, but I prefer to celebrate family :)

Anonymous said...

I, as a woman, have never understood this preoccupation some have with how women are treated. I guess there is a lot of mistreatment of women, but I think the male population suffers as well. It is just not politically correct to mention it!