Wednesday, October 11, 2006

To be a parent

There are many things I had known nothing about before I became a mother. In fact, when I look back, it is as if I were another person then. My priorities were on me and my life, my duties were about me and my pleasures, my marriage was joyful and carefree, everything was embedded in my self-fulfillment.

And then came HE, our first-born son, and turned our world upside down completely, in a split second we found ourselves, I and my husband, as people who knew absolutely nothing, but who were forced to know a lot about new things. The confusion was immense, the joy was even bigger. I had known EVERYTHING about being a parent - up to his first cry in the delivery room :). He is still good at surprising me with his temper, moods, likings, choices and talents. He is nothing I had dreamed about, and everything about him is lovable anyway. He is becoming more and more like his father, responsible but joking, clever but goofy, gifted but a bit lazy, stubborn but soft at heart. He is a tough cookie, a challenge for me, an everyday lesson of humbleness and love.

His BROTHER came five years later and swept us off our feet. Looking very much alike his big bro, this one is entirely different a person. Stubborn as well, but able to turn things around to his advantage in such a way that we do not know what hits us.

The boys love each other and love being together, supporting each other when needed.

It is a wonder. Children. God's gift to us, and the huge responsibility put on our shoulders. How can this be, that I, an ordinary person, was given this task of raising those two sweet boys? Two lives that love me unconditionally, trust me and listen to me? How did it happen?
Having children is probably the most natural thing in the world, yet the most miraculous one as well, I think.

When I look at them while they are sleeping, them being so innocent and confident, I feel the strong desire to protect them at every cost, no matter what. And I want to keep this moment forever. Sadly enough, time goes by and they will grow up one day, but for now I am trying to enjoy all the small moments and seconds of their childhood and remember as much of it as humanly possible.

My life is different now, and I would not like it to be any other way. Never.

There is one VERY IMPORTANT task for me to carry out, though. And that I will:
Come, O children, listen to me; I will teach you the fear of the LORD.
(Psa 34:11)

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